[Blog :: Jan - Jan 2015]

How Minecraft Can Teach Us About Sustainability

Games Added on 29/12/2014

I have recently started playing Minecraft, a game with an open world that consists of small destructible blocks that you can mine, chop, harvest, craft from and build upon. I know that playing Minecraft is one of the most geeky things you can do these days, but just bare with me. This post is actually not about gaming, it is about how the game can help people understand the issues of sustainability.

How will artificial life impact the future?

Multi-agent systems Robots Neural networks AI Added on 26/10/2014

In 2013, I was a part of the TRUCE workshop at the Alife conference. The workshop brought together scientists and creative writers in order to create a cool book full of stories about A-life (artificial life) and artificial intelligence and about how it will impact our society in the future. As I am very interested in swarm robotics, sci-fi games and movies and generally how the future will look like when robots run around and are part of our everyday lives, I jumped at the opportunity to cooperate on the project.

Impressions from ALIFE 14 New York

Multi-agent systems Robots AI Added on 12/08/2014

This summer, I attended the Artificial Life conference in New York. There were some interesting and not-so-interesting talks, but generally I am very glad I went. I had a chance to meet some great people and more importantly, to get much needed feedback on my own research. I also got offered to try out real robots in my research.

Stardust Colonies Resurrected

Games C++ AI Added on 27/05/2014

I've been up to a lot lately, getting back to my Stardust Colonies game project. Some might remember that I released a demo about one and half years ago. I managed to get a lot of useful feedback for the game and I am now ready to take the development to the next level.

The Awesomeness and the Curses of Gaming

Games Added on 23/03/2014

I have recently watched 'Free to Play’, a documentary by Valve about professional e-sports that inspired this post. I really recommend everyone to watch it, I think that it expressed the struggles and emotions of gamers really well. Let me start by saying that I have been a gamer since my childhood and while I never want to do it professionally, as I have other goals in my life, I do spend on average an hour or two a day playing PC games...

Ilidian the robotic dinosaur

Robots AI Added on 28/01/2014

Meet Ilidian, my robotic dinosaur pet. He is a male Pleo rb, in my opinion one of the most advanced home robotic pets at the moment. He has a lot of touch sensors so he can feel being stroked or hit on various parts of his body, temperature sensors that allow him to feel dizzy when hot or shiver when cold and much more stuff that make him quite life-like.


The main purpose of pyCreeper is to wrap tens of lines of python code, required to produce graphs that look good for a publication, into functions. It takes away your need to understand various quirks of matplotlib and gives you back ready-to-use and well-documented code.

Novelty detection with robots using the Grow-When-Required Neural Network

The Grow-When-Required Neural Network implementation in simulated robot experiments using the ARGoS robot simulator.

Fast Data Analysis Using C++ and Python

C++ code that processes data and makes it available to Python, significantly improving the execution speed.

Designing Robot Swarms

This project looks at the challenges involved in modeling, understanding and designing of multi-robot systems.

Robustness in Foraging E-puck Swarms Through Recruitment

Swarms of five e-puck robots are used in a semi-virtual environment, facilitated by the VICON positioning system. Recruitment can make swarms more robust to noise in robot global positioning data.