[Simulation Models]

Novelty detection with robots using the Grow-When-Required Neural Network

Simulation models C++ Bash script The Grow-When-Required Neural Network implementation in simulated robot experiments using the ARGoS...

A Highly Customisable Multi-Robot Foraging Simulation

Simulation models C++ Bash script An ARGoS simulation of robot swarm foraging using various robot controllers and environments. This...

Controlling Ant-Based Construction

Multi-agent systems Java Simulation models Stigmergy allows insect colonies to collectively build structures that no single individual is...

Boid Game-Playing through Randomised Movement

Multi-agent systems Java AI Simulation models The original boid flocking algorithm is extended by adding randomised movement to the flock...

Ultrastable Neuroendocrine Robot Controller

Neural networks Java AI Simulation models Attributes of ultrastability as an adaption mechanism in a hormone-modulated neural robot...

Neural Networks and the Evolution of Cooperation

Neural networks Java AI Simulation models The paper investigates artificial evolution of cooperation in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma using...


The main purpose of pyCreeper is to wrap tens of lines of python code, required to produce graphs that look good for a publication, into functions. It takes away your need to understand various quirks of matplotlib and gives you back ready-to-use and well-documented code.

Novelty detection with robots using the Grow-When-Required Neural Network

The Grow-When-Required Neural Network implementation in simulated robot experiments using the ARGoS robot simulator.

Fast Data Analysis Using C++ and Python

C++ code that processes data and makes it available to Python, significantly improving the execution speed.

Designing Robot Swarms

This project looks at the challenges involved in modeling, understanding and designing of multi-robot systems.

Robustness in Foraging E-puck Swarms Through Recruitment

Swarms of five e-puck robots are used in a semi-virtual environment, facilitated by the VICON positioning system. Recruitment can make swarms more robust to noise in robot global positioning data.