[Search by tag: Games]

The Hive Mind

Games Flash AI Date: 14/10/2016 :: 1 comment

The Hive Mind is a sci-fi puzzle game about insect-inspired construction with robots. The player takes on the role of an Overseer who was sent to an alien planet and designs simple rules that robots use to create structures brick by brick.

Have I Met an Android?

Robots Games AI Date: 17/09/2015 :: 0 comments

I was browsing game discussion forums on Steam and came across a post that did not make much sense. Have I talked to an AI?

The Hive Mind in Southampton

Robots Multi-agent systems Games AI Date: 16/03/2015 :: 0 comments

I had the privilege to present The Hive Mind, my new sci-fi puzzle game about insect-inspired construction with robots, at the University of Southampton Science and Engineering day last weekend. A lot of people came to play it and it was great to watch how they interacted with it - kids were often better at the game than their parents!

How Minecraft Can Teach Us About Sustainability

Games Date: 29/12/2014 :: 0 comments

I have recently started playing Minecraft, a game with an open world that consists of small destructible blocks that you can mine, chop, harvest, craft from and build upon. I know that playing Minecraft is one of the most geeky things you can do these days, but just bare with me. This post is actually not about gaming, it is about how the game can help people understand the issues of sustainability.

Stardust Colonies

Games C++ AI Date: 30/08/2014 :: 0 comments

Stardust Colonies is a strategy game in which player-controlled units are aware of and affected by both their own memory and preferences, as well as by their colony's well-being.

Stardust Colonies Resurrected

Games C++ AI Date: 27/05/2014 :: 0 comments

I've been up to a lot lately, getting back to my Stardust Colonies game project. Some might remember that I released a demo about one and half years ago. I managed to get a lot of useful feedback for the game and I am now ready to take the development to the next level.

The Awesomeness and the Curses of Gaming

Games Date: 23/03/2014 :: 0 comments

I have recently watched 'Free to Play’, a documentary by Valve about professional e-sports that inspired this post. I really recommend everyone to watch it, I think that it expressed the struggles and emotions of gamers really well. Let me start by saying that I have been a gamer since my childhood and while I never want to do it professionally, as I have other goals in my life, I do spend on average an hour or two a day playing PC games...

Blizzard finally gone mad!

Games Date: 08/11/2013 :: 0 comments

That's it - the artists and developers at Blizzard have finally gone mad to bring us Heores of the Storm - a game that puts all heroes from your favourite Blizzard games like Starcraft, Wacraft and Diablo together.


Multi-agent systems Libraries Java Games AI Date: 18/09/2013 :: 0 comments

Creeper is a Java MVC framework for those who want to create multi-agent simulations (or games) and need something to build on. Creeper takes care of effective updating and rendering. You only need to specify the world objects and how they should look like.

Stardust Colonies Web Site Is Launched!

Multi-agent systems Games C++ AI Date: 31/05/2013 :: 0 comments

I have finally launched web site for my strategy game Stardust Colonies. Unlike in most strategy games, you get to control minions who have their job preferences and will behave differently based on what you tell them to do. Also, you don't train units in buildings but clone existing ones, which I think feels more natural to the player...

Getting Started with Creeper

Tutorials Multi-agent systems Libraries Java Games AI Date: 27/05/2013 :: 0 comments

This tutorial helps you to create your own Java project with Creeper. As an alternative solution, you could simply download Creeper with the Demo project and rewrite class and package names within net.lenkaspace.creeper.demo to suit your own needs.


Robots Lego Mindstorms Games Date: 29/03/2013 :: 0 comments

A custom-built lego machine for playing pong, featuring two controllers connected to the Mindstorms NXT brick. Programmed using NXC.

A Quest for a Better PC

Games Date: 16/02/2013 :: 0 comments

Since Starcraft II : Heart of the Swarm and the new Simcity are soon to be released, I have decided to finally upgrade my PC. I decided to go crazy and ordered the AMD FX 8350 (yes, it's an 8-core processor!) and 16GB RAM to support the madness. Of course getting it running took much more effort that I could have guessed.

Slot Machine Psychology Experiment

Games Flash Data science Applications ActionScript Date: 31/12/2012 :: 2 comments

This project was commissioned by the University of Sussex Department of Psychology for the purposes of collecting data for a psychology experiment.

Why Do Big Companies Get Lazy?

Games Date: 04/11/2012 :: 0 comments

Perhaps unlike many who advocate open-source and free knowledge, I am also pro big corporations. Not because of their often centralised way of operation (which I find somewhat limited), but because people in those corporation must have worked hard to get where they are. Companies like Apple, Microsoft or Blizzard...

Me? Making Music? (And a Preview)

Games Date: 27/06/2012 :: 0 comments

I have decided to give Apple's Garage Band a try as I always wondered if I could indeed create music I would actually like. Ideally by recording real guitar playing and mixing it with some synths to create a sort of rock-industrial dark themes...

Stardust Colonies

Games C++ AI Date: 27/05/2012 :: 0 comments

Alien farm has officially become Stardust Colonies, after a game name poll I did on Facebook some time ago. The web site will launch soon so that people can read more about the game and join alpha testing...

Installing Starcraft I from SCII USB Stick

Games Date: 16/01/2012 :: 0 comments

I bought Starcraft II Wings of Liberty Collector's edition quite some time ago but only recently wanted to install Starcraft I that came on the Raynor's dog tag USB stick included in the SC II box. However, the problem was that I copied the contents of the stick onto my machine when I bought the game and formatted the USB drive in order to use it - well as a USB drive. When I wanted to install SC I from my hard-drive, the registration code was nowhere to be found.

A 2D iPhone Game Framework

Mobile Libraries Games Objective-C Date: 09/01/2010 :: 0 comments

The project reviews some of the existing design patterns and available algorithms used in iPhone games development. The application created is a template project for a 2D iPhone game.

Alien Strike

Mobile Games AI Objective-C Date: 04/11/2009 :: 0 comments

Alien Strike was an addictive copter shooter game sold on iTunes during 2009 and 2010, where you flew a UFO and fought against the futuristic Earth. The movement was controlled by holding a finger on the screen in order to go up, while the default UFO movement was to fall down. Player had the ability to shoot and drop bombs to watch the earthlings explode.

Inner States for Game Agent Systems

Games C++ AI Date: 02/06/2009 :: 0 comments

The theoretical part of the project focuses on currently used techniques for obstacle avoidance, task-oriented behaviour and fuzzy logic in the field of games AI. A number of approaches are discussed and evaluated.

Mayan Madness

Games C++ AI Date: 17/01/2009 :: 0 comments

Mayan Madness is a 3D third-person adventure game that I participated on as a lead developer in the last year of my undergraduate course.


Games Flash ActionScript Date: 16/01/2009 :: 0 comments

This is a jigsaw puzzle that was used in the game Mayan Madness. The pieces are placed randomly throughout the screen each time a game starts. Developer can insert pieces of a different image and assemble it from the Flash development environment. The algorithm takes care of the rest - random positioning and testing of the end game state.

Procedural Modelling

Games Date: 23/05/2008 :: 0 comments

The paper provides an insight into procedural modelling techniques and uses. Procedural modelling is an alternative approach to modelling when high realism and fast real-time rendering of complex objects is desired.

Space Invaders

Games C++ AI Date: 23/04/2008 :: 3 comments

Space Invaders was one of my assignments in the second year of my Undergraduate study. It is coded in C++ and uses OpenGL and DirectX for rendering. This simple 2D shooter is based on the original Space Invaders game and adds some interesting new features.

Galactic War

Games Flash ActionScript Date: 30/05/2005 :: 0 comments

Become a space ship pilot in Galactic War and shoot the enemies moving in front of you. You can choose from one of the three modes: bullet- restricted, time-restricted and infinite game.

Bouncy Ball

Games Flash ActionScript Date: 23/05/2005 :: 0 comments

Jump with the bouncy ball through the platforms and collect golden treasures to get to the next level. This demo offers three levels to play. At the beginning of each level, you get a code that can be used later in order to skip to the level using the Load game feature.


Games Flash ActionScript Date: 21/01/2005 :: 0 comments

Get through three exciting desert levels on a motorbike without crashing. But don’t forget to pick up hitchhikers - otherwise you won’t be able to progress. Collect a code after each level to be able to return to it.


Games Flash ActionScript Date: 14/10/2004 :: 0 comments

A two-player game based on Ludo where you do not have to roll dice anymore. The goal of both players is to get to the middle of the board. However, there are some evil caterpillars on the way that will not let anybody through.


Games Flash ActionScript Date: 12/07/2004 :: 0 comments

Choose 10 out of 100 numbers, press a button and the program generates three random numbers. You win if all the three are found in the set of numbers you crossed.


Games Flash ActionScript Date: 04/04/2004 :: 1 comment

A simple pong game for 2 players. The top player moves with the mouse while the bottom player uses the arrow keys. Score is shown next to each player.


The main purpose of pyCreeper is to wrap tens of lines of python code, required to produce graphs that look good for a publication, into functions. It takes away your need to understand various quirks of matplotlib and gives you back ready-to-use and well-documented code.

Novelty detection with robots using the Grow-When-Required Neural Network

The Grow-When-Required Neural Network implementation in simulated robot experiments using the ARGoS robot simulator.

Fast Data Analysis Using C++ and Python

C++ code that processes data and makes it available to Python, significantly improving the execution speed.

Designing Robot Swarms

This project looks at the challenges involved in modeling, understanding and designing of multi-robot systems.

Robustness in Foraging E-puck Swarms Through Recruitment

Swarms of five e-puck robots are used in a semi-virtual environment, facilitated by the VICON positioning system. Recruitment can make swarms more robust to noise in robot global positioning data.