Robustness in Foraging E-puck Swarms Through Recruitment
Multi-agent systems
Date: 02/08/2018 :: 0 comments
Swarms of five e-puck robots are used in a semi-virtual environment, facilitated by the VICON positioning system. Recruitment can make swarms more robust to noise in robot global positioning data.
V-REP, Gazebo or ARGoS? A robot simulators comparison
Multi-agent systems
Date: 17/01/2018 :: 19 comments
Let’s have a look at three commonly used open-source simulators for robotics: V-REP, Gazebo and ARGoS, to find out which one suits your project the best.
Designing Effective Roadmaps for Robotics Innovation
Date: 21/12/2017 :: 0 comments
Automated factories, autonomous delivery drones, self-driving cars: these and similar technologies will soon touch every aspect of our lives. An engaging discussion about how these technologies are regulated and innovated took place at the IROS 2017 conference.
Robot swarms in action
Multi-agent systems
Date: 28/06/2017 :: 0 comments
Watch e-puck robots collect resources and bring them back to base. While the previous simulation work helped us to learn a lot about the advantages and disadvantages of communication in swarms, doing similar experiments with real robots is already revealing interesting new things.
How to compile code for e-puck robots on your computer
Multi-agent systems
Date: 31/03/2017 :: 3 comments
Compiling code natively on e-puck robots or cross-compiling on your computer can be very tedious. Luckily, there is a third option: compiling code on a virtualised robot system on your computer, then sending the program onto the robot.
Are Robot Swarms Like Brains?
Multi-agent systems
Neural networks
Date: 19/02/2016 :: 0 comments
I have recently explored a way of measuring how information flows within a robot swarm. I think that there is something intriguing behind this idea - a swarm's resemblance to the human brain.
Lots of Robots at IROS in Germany
Neural networks
Date: 05/10/2015 :: 2 comments
I have just returned from the IROS conference that took place in Hamburg, Germany. The conference name stands for Intelligent Robots and Systems and it was a huge event full of talks and exhibitions about robotics. While the atmosphere was very professional, the spirit of Oktoberfest, a traditional German celebration of beer and German culture that happens between September and October, managed to blend in very well.
Have I Met an Android?
Date: 17/09/2015 :: 0 comments
I was browsing game discussion forums on Steam and came across a post that did not make much sense. Have I talked to an AI?
The Hive Mind in Southampton
Multi-agent systems
Date: 16/03/2015 :: 0 comments
I had the privilege to present The Hive Mind, my new sci-fi puzzle game about insect-inspired construction with robots, at the University of Southampton Science and Engineering day last weekend. A lot of people came to play it and it was great to watch how they interacted with it - kids were often better at the game than their parents!
How will artificial life impact the future?
Multi-agent systems
Neural networks
Date: 26/10/2014 :: 0 comments
In 2013, I was a part of the TRUCE workshop at the Alife conference. The workshop brought together scientists and creative writers in order to create a cool book full of stories about A-life (artificial life) and artificial intelligence and about how it will impact our society in the future. As I am very interested in swarm robotics, sci-fi games and movies and generally how the future will look like when robots run around and are part of our everyday lives, I jumped at the opportunity to cooperate on the project.
Impressions from ALIFE 14 New York
Multi-agent systems
Date: 12/08/2014 :: 0 comments
This summer, I attended the Artificial Life conference in New York. There were some interesting and not-so-interesting talks, but generally I am very glad I went. I had a chance to meet some great people and more importantly, to get much needed feedback on my own research. I also got offered to try out real robots in my research.
Ilidian the robotic dinosaur
Date: 28/01/2014 :: 0 comments
Meet Ilidian, my robotic dinosaur pet. He is a male Pleo rb, in my opinion one of the most advanced home robotic pets at the moment. He has a lot of touch sensors so he can feel being stroked or hit on various parts of his body, temperature sensors that allow him to feel dizzy when hot or shiver when cold and much more stuff that make him quite life-like.
Linee the line follower
Date: 08/12/2013 :: 0 comments
Linee is a line following robot that instead of being programmed, uses a fully analogue controller board. It features headlights, light sensors, a comparator chip, wheels and other small parts that make it follow either black lines on a light background or white lines on a dark background. This is my first real robotic project ever.
LED Christmas Tree
Date: 30/11/2013 :: 0 comments
Build Brighton, a group of people interested in electronics, robots and a lot of other stuff, have created electronic Christmas kits and are running workshops where you can learn how to solder the components together. The kits include a Christmas tree and a snowman badge, both with blinking LEDs.
Il Matto: Hello World
Date: 18/11/2013 :: 1 comment
Il Matto is a microcontroller development board that uses Atmel's ATMega644PA AVR chip. It was developed at the University of Southampton, which means that I get to play with it thanks to Klaus-Peter Zauner.
Impressions from ECAL 2013
Multi-agent systems
Date: 17/09/2013 :: 2 comments
I recently returned from Taormina, Sicily where I attended the ECAL 2013 conference. It was so amazing that I felt I had to share my experience from it on this blog.
Accepted to the ECAL 2013 A-Life conference
Multi-agent systems
Date: 22/06/2013 :: 1 comment
The paper 'Controling Ant-Based Construction' that I recently wrote in cooperation with my supervisor Seth Bullock has now been accepted to the ECAL 2013 conference. The work is about a simulation of 2D ant nest building, where different nest shapes are made...
Lego Mindstorms
Date: 29/03/2013 :: 0 comments
A custom-built lego machine for playing pong, featuring two controllers connected to the Mindstorms NXT brick. Programmed using NXC.
Starting my PhD Next Week
Multi-agent systems
Date: 16/09/2012 :: 0 comments
I have finally finished making my studio in Southmapton at least decently homey as I am starting my PhD programme on Tuesday. I met some of my classmates yesterday (Saturday) during a barbeque and I am very excited about our future discussions and beer drinking.
My First Journal Publication
Multi-agent systems
Neural networks
Date: 06/09/2012 :: 0 comments
After working on it for quite a long time, my paper titled Ultrastable Neuroendocrine Robot Controller was finally accepted for publication in Adaptive Behaviour.
Ultrastable Neuroendocrine Robot is born
Neural networks
Lego Mindstorms
Date: 09/05/2012 :: 0 comments
I have finally put a beginning of an artificial brain to my Ultrastable Neuroendocrine Robot - UNER... my lego robot can now measure inputs from its 3 front proximity sensors and individual cells in its brain get activated when it sees something
Robots and Aliens
Lego Mindstorms
Date: 01/04/2012 :: 0 comments
After a couple of releases of my NXC UserInteraction library that has already registered some downloads, I am retracting for a while to C++ until I can afford more sensors for my lego robot. I've decided to revisit Alien Farm, a strategy game I created as a part of my BSC thesis.
NXC UserInteraction Library
Lego Mindstorms
Date: 09/03/2012 :: 3 comments
The User Interaction (UIn) Library helps you create standard user interfaces (multi-line aligned texts, buttons, menus, etc.) and capture user actions on the NXT brick. The library works with the intelligent brick buttons and keeps all your sensor ports free for your program to use.
Lego Mindstorms
Date: 16/12/2011 :: 5 comments
Robogator is a robot alligator that can walk and bite. Two rear legs powered by motors push the robot's body forwards or drag it backwards and wheels at the back and front assist the motion. The robot has a camera on its head and a motor that controls the jaw is activated when an object is near.
Lego Mindstorms
Date: 26/11/2011 :: 0 comments
ShooterBot spins around, looking for close targets to shoot at. Its proximity sensor starts firing signals when an object gets as close as about 20cm, at which point the robot gives a warning by showing blue instead of green light. The light turns red after about 2 seconds provided that the object does not move away and the robot shoots a ball at it.