[NXC UserInteraction Library]

int createSlidingMenu (string menuHeading_, string& menuItems_[], int selectedItem_)

Sliding menuDisplay a sliding menu screen controllable by NXT arrow keys. User selection is confirmed with the middle button.

menuHeading_ Text displayed above the menu. Can be left empty.
menuItems_[] Array of strings that are menu items
selectedItem_ Index of selected item.

int Index of selected item

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A custom-built lego machine for playing pong, featuring two controllers connected to the Mindstorms NXT brick. Programmed using NXC.

Developing in NXC using XCode

After comparing a number of options, I chose NXC as a pretty good alternative to Robot-C. It supports a lot of things like sensor and motor management, playing of sounds, basic 2D and 3D graphics, etc. Most importantly, you can compile your programs from the command line or from XCode. This tutorial assumes knowledge of XCode 4 and of C. The NXC programming guide is a good reference.

Setting up NXC Development on a Mac

This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for setting up your Mac or Linux machine and your NXT brick for development with NXC. We will use the enhanced NXC firmware in order to enable extended functions for development.


The main purpose of pyCreeper is to wrap tens of lines of python code, required to produce graphs that look good for a publication, into functions. It takes away your need to understand various quirks of matplotlib and gives you back ready-to-use and well-documented code.

Novelty detection with robots using the Grow-When-Required Neural Network

The Grow-When-Required Neural Network implementation in simulated robot experiments using the ARGoS robot simulator.

Fast Data Analysis Using C++ and Python

C++ code that processes data and makes it available to Python, significantly improving the execution speed.